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    상영바이오관 365호
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    University of Rhode Island, 식품공학과, 이학박사
  • 전공 분야
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    동국대학교 식품공학과 공학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    고려대학교 식품공학과 농학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    University of Rhode Island, 식품공학과, 이학박사
  • 담당 과목
    1. 식품가공학
    2. 식품저장학
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    4. 식품유변물성학
    5. 식품탄수화물학
  • 대표 저서
    ◆식품가공저장학, 라이프사이언스, 2008
    ◆유변학의 이론과 응용, 한국유변학회, 2001
  • 대표 논문
    ◆H. Lee, B. Yoo, 「Agglomeration of galactomannan gum powders: physical, rheological, and structural characterizations」, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 256, 117599
    ◆D. Lee, B. Yoo, 「Cellulose derivatives agglomerated in fluidized bed: Physical, rheological, and structural properties」, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 181, 232-240
    ◆J.Park, B. Yoo, 「Particle agglomeration of gum mixture thickeners used for dysphagia diets」, Journal of Food Engineering, 2020, 279, 109958
    ◆Hyundo Lee, B. Yoo, 「Agglomerated xanthan gum powder used as a food thickener: Effect of sugar binders on physical, microstructural, and rheological properties」, Powder Technology, 2020, 362, 301-306
    ◆G. Jeong, J. Bak, B. Yoo, 「Physical and rheological properties of xanthan gum agglomerated in fluidized bed: Effect of HPMC as a binder」, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 121, 424-428
    ◆S. Yoon, B. Yoo, 「Rheological behaviors of thickened infant formula prepared with xanthan gum-based food thickeners for dysphagic infants」, Dysphagia, 2017, 32(3), 454-462
    ◆H. Cho, B. Yoo. 「Rheological characteristics of cold thickened beverages containing xanthan gum-based food thickeners used for dysphagia diets」, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2015, 115(1), 106-111
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 664호
  • 최종 학력
    University of California, Davis, PhD in Food Science
  • 전공 분야
    식품화학 및 식품독성학
  • 세부 연구분야
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  • 학사학위 과정
    서울대학교 식품공학과 농학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    서울대학교 식품공학과 농학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    University of California, Davis, PhD in Food Science
  • 담당 과목
    1. 식품화학
    2. 식품분석
    3. 식품화학실험
    4. 푸드테크앙트레프레너쉽캡스톤디자인
  • 대표 저서
    ◆식품화학, 수학사, 2020
    ◆식품분석화학, 수학사, 2020
  • 대표 논문
    ◆Kim SK, Lee HE, Lee KG, 「Analysis of furan in red pepper powder treated by three methods- boiling, roasting, and frying」, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022, 9, 888779
    ◆Park JY, Do SB, Lee MJ, Lee KG, 「Preparation of turmeric powder with various extraction and drying methods」, Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 2022, 9, 39
    ◆Park MS, Lee KG, 「Effect of roasting temperature and time on volatile compounds, total polyphenols, total flavonoids, and lignan of omija (Schisandra chinensis Baillon) fruit extract」, Food Chem, 2021, 338, 127836
    ◆Lee HY, Lee, KG, 「Analysis of furan in various instant noodles by solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry」, Food Control, 2021, 126, 108047
    ◆Kwon JE, Ahn HW, Lee KG, 「Analysis of α-dicarbonyl compounds in coffee (Coffea arabica) prepared under various roasting and brewing methods」, Food Chem, 2021, 343, 128525
    ◆Hyong SM, Chu MG, Park HB, Park JY, Lee KG, 「Analysis of α-dicarbonyl compounds and 4-methylimidazole in coffee made with various roasting and brewing conditions」, LWT, 2021, 151, 112231
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 665호
  • 최종 학력
    Michigan State University, PhD in Food Science & Human Nutrition
  • 전공 분야
    기능성식품학 및 소재학
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 천연물중 생리활성물질탐색, in vitro, in vivo 기능성평가, 기능성소재 및 건강기능식품개발
    - 식품유해물질과 환경오염물질 분석법 개발, 인체노출량 및 risk assessment
    - 스마트식품포장, 식품품질 예측 바이오센서 및 신선도지시계 개발
  • 학사학위 과정
    성균관대학교 식품생명공학과 농학 학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    Michigan State University, M.S. in Food Science & Human Nutrition
  • 박사학위 과정
    Michigan State University, PhD in Food Science & Human Nutrition
  • 담당 과목
    1. 기능성식품학I
    2. 기능성식품학II
    3. 식품안전성학
    4. 식품신제품개발 캡스톤디자인
    5. 식품분석실험
  • 대표 저서
    ◆기능성식품학, 라이프사이언스, 2017
    ◆MIcrobial Biotechnology: Application in Food and Pharmacology, Springer, 2019
    ◆Recent Advances and Future Trends in Fermented and Functional Foods, MDPI, 2022
  • 대표 논문
    ◆Yong-Yeon Kim, Jayanta-Kumar Patra, Han-Seung Shin, 「Evaluation of analytical method and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for fishery products in Korea」, Food Control, 2022, 131, 108421
    ◆Tae-Kyeong Ryu, Eunmiri Roh, Jong-Eun Kim, Han-Seung Shin, 「Inhibitory Effect of Lotusine on Solar UV-induced Matrix
    Metalloproteinase-1 Expression」, Plants, 2022, 11, 773
    ◆Hee-Jeong Hwang, Gyo-Ha Hwang, So-Min Ahn, Yong-Yeon Kim, Han-Seung Shin, 「Risk Assessment and Determination of Heavy Metals in Home Meal Replacement Products by Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Direct Mercury Analyzer」, Foods, 2022, 11, 504
    ◆Yong-Yeon Kim, Min-Kyung Kim, Han-Seung Shin, 「Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels from various smoking cessation aids by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry methodology」, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 2021, 85(3), 110
    ◆Do-Yeong Kim, Gyu-Tae Han, Han-Seung Shin, 「Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by cellulosic aerogels during smoked pork sausage manufacture」, Food Control, 2021, 124, 107878
  • 연락처
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 443호
  • 최종 학력
    The University of New South Wales, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology (Probiotics)
  • 전공 분야
    식품미생물학 및 면역학
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 프로바이오틱스 및 포스트바이오틱스에 의한 병원성 미생물의 감염 제어
    - 프로바이오틱스 및 포스트바이오틱스에 의한 면역활성 및 면역조절
    - 프로바이오틱스의 활성물질 탐색
  • 학사학위 과정
    성균관대학교 식품생명공학과 농학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    성균관대학교 식품생명공학과 이학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    The University of New South Wales, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology (Probiotics)
  • 담당 과목
    1. 식품면역학
    2. 식품면역학실험
    3. 식품안전성학
    4. 식품신제품개발캡스톤디자인
  • 대표 논문
    ◆D. Song, H.B. Lee, G.-B. Kim, S.-S. Kang, 「Whey fermented by Enterococcus faecalis M157 exhibits anti-inflammatory and antibiofilm activities against oral pathogenic bacteria」, Journal of Dairy Science, 2022, 105, 1900-1912
    ◆J.-W. Kim, B. Mistry, H.-S. Shin, S.-S. Kang, 「Antibiofilm activity of N-Mannich bases of berberine linking piperazine against Listeria monocytogenes」, Food Control, 2021, 121, 107668
    ◆I.K. Hyun, J.S. Lee, J.-W. Yoon, S.-S. Kang, 「Skimmed milk fermented by lactic acid bacteria inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes by downregulating PPARγ via TNF-α induction in vitro」, Food and Function, 2021, 12, 8605-8614
    ◆B.S. Kim, C.-H. Yun, S.H. Han, K.-D. Song, S.-S. Kang, 「Inhibitory effect of lipoteichoic acid form three lactobacilli on flagellin-induced IL-8 production in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells」, Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2021, 13, 72-79
    ◆J.S. Lee, I.K. Hyun, H.-J. Seo, D. Song, M. Y. Kim, S.-S. Kang, 「Biotransformation of whey by Weissella cibaria suppresses 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation」, Journal of Dairy Science, 2021, 104, 3876-3887
    ◆H.J. Seo, S.-S. Kang, 「Inhibitory effect of bacteriocin produced by Pediococcus acidilactici on the biofilm formation of Salmonella Typhimurium」, Food Control, 2020, 117, 107361
    ◆D-H, Lee, B.S. Kim, S.-S. Kang, 「Bacteriocin of Pediococcus acidilactici HW01 inhibits biofilm formation and virulence factor production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa」, Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2020, 12, 73-81
    ◆J.-W. Yoon, S.-S. Kang, 「In vitro antibiofilm and anti-inflammatory properties of bacteriocins produced by Pediococcus acidilactici against Enterococcus faecalis」, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2020, 17, 764-771
    ◆N.-N. Kim, W.J. Kim, S.-S. Kang, 「Antibiofilm effect of crude bacteriocin derived from Lactobacillus brevis DF01 on Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium」, Food Control, 2019, 98, 274-280
    ◆B.S. Kim, H. Kim, S.-S. Kang, 「In vitro antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of lactic acid bacteria biotransformed mulberry (Morus alba Linnaeus) fruit extract agaisnt Salmonella Typhimurium」, Food Control, 2019, 106, 106758
    ◆H.-J. Lee, H.-L. Jang, D.-K. Ahn, H.-J. Kim, H.Y. Jeon, D.B. Seo, J.-H. Lee, J.K. Choi, S.-S. Kang, 「Orally administered collagen peptide protects against UVB-induced skin aging through the absorption of dipeptide forms, Gly-Pro and Pro-Hyp」, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2019, 83(6), 1146-1156
    ◆A.-R. Choi, J.K. Patra, W.J. Kim, S.-S. Kang, 「Antagonistic activities and probiotic potential of lactic acid bacteria derived from a plant-based fermented food」, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9, 1963
    ◆S.-S. Kang, S.K. Kim, J.E. Baik, E.B. Ko, K.B. Ahn, C.-H. Yun, S.H. Han, 「Staphylococcal LTA antagonizes the B cell-mitogenic potential of LPS」, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 1496
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 543호
  • 최종 학력
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dual ScD in Nutrition and Epidemiology
  • 전공 분야
    영양학 / 역학
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 비만
    - 대장암
    - 유전자 맞춤형 식생활
  • 학사학위 과정
    Harvard College, B.A. in Biochemistry
  • 석사학위 과정
    Columbia University, M.S. in Nutrition
  • 박사학위 과정
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dual ScD in Nutrition and Epidemiology
  • 담당 과목
    1. 영양역학
    2. 식품통계학
    3. 건강한 식생활
  • 대표 저서
    ◆Textbook of Cancer Epidemiology. 3rded. USA:OxfordUniversityPress; 2018:243-276 (Chapter:Colorectal Cancer chapter)
    ◆Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention. 4thed. USA:OxfordUniversityPress; 2018:351-376 (Chapter:Obesity and Body Composition Chapter)
    ◆Pathology and Epidemiology of Cancer. 1sted.Switzerland:Springer;2017:391-408. (Chapter:Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer)
  • 대표 논문
    ◆Keum N, Giovannucci E., 「Global burden of colorectal cancer: emerging trends, risk factors and prevention strategies」, Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2019, 16(12), 713-732
    ◆Keum N, Lee DH, Greenwood DC et al., 「Vitamin D supplementation and total cancer incidence and mortality: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials」, Ann Oncol, 2019, 30(5), 733-743
    ◆Keum N, Bao Y, Smith-Warner SA et al., 「Association of Physical Activity by Type and Intensity With Digestive System Cancer Risk」, JAMA Oncol, 2016, 2(9), 1146-1153
    ◆Keum N, Greenwood DC, Lee DH et al., 「Adult weight gain and adiposity-related cancers: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective observational studies」, J Natl Cancer Inst, 2015, 107(3)
    ◆Keum N, Lee DH, Kim R et al., 「Visceral adiposity and colorectal adenomas: dose-response meta-analysis of observational studies」, Ann Oncol, 2015, 26(6), 1101-1109
    ◆Keum N, Hsieh CC, Cook N., 「Random-effects meta-analysis of inconsistent effects」, Ann Intern Med, 2014, 161(5), 379-380
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 667호
  • 최종 학력
    서울대학교 농생명공학부 농학박사
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 나노기술 기반 CO2 및 N2 고정 미생물을 활용한 식품 소재 개발 연구
    - 나노코팅 기술을 이용한 기능성 강화 및 치료용 미생물 개발 연구
    - 나노입자를 활용한 식품 미생물 및 항생제 내성 유전자 제어 연구
  • 학사학위 과정
    동국대학교 식품공학부 공학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    서울대학교 농생명공학부 농학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    서울대학교 농생명공학부 농학박사
  • 담당 과목
    - 식품미생물학
    - 발효공학
    - 식품미생물학실험
    - 푸드테크산업의이해
    - 기업연계캡스톤디자인
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ JH Lim, JW Kang. 「Assessing biofilm formation and resistance of vibrio parahaemolyticus on UV-aged microplastics in aquatic environments」. Water Research. 2024. 254, 121379
    ◆JW Kang, JY Kim, DH Kang. 「Synthesis of carbon quantum dot synthesized using spent coffee ground as a biomass exhibiting visible-light-driven antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens, Journal of Food Engineering」. 2024. 365, 111820
    ◆ M Shin, JW Kang*, DH Kang*. 「A study on antibiotic resistance gene degradation in fresh produce using peracetic acid combined with an ultraviolet-C light-emitting-diode」. Food Control. 2023. 145, 109478
    ◆S Jyung, JW Kang*, DH Kang*. 「Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes through the synergistic interaction between plasma-activated water and organic acid」. Food Research International. 2023. 167, 112687
    ◆JW Kang, Kang D.H.「Effect of amino acid-derived nitrogen and/or sulfur doping on the visible-light-driven antimicrobial activity of carbon quantum dots: A comparative study」, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420(1), 129990
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 347호
  • 최종 학력
    고려대학교 축산학과 농학박사
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 내분비계장애물질 OECD 공인 검색시험법 개발
    - 세포주기반 비동물 시험법 개발
    - 신소재식품 (배양육) 안전관리 및 위해평가
    - 신소재식품정책
    - 기능성식품원료 평가
  • 학사학위 과정
    고려대학교 축산학과 농학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    고려대학교 축산학과 농학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    고려대학교 축산학과 농학박사
  • 담당 과목
    신소재식품학, 식품생화학
  • 대표 저서
    ◆Emerging Trends in Dietary Components for Preventing and Combating Disease, American Chemical Society, 2012
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Kwon Ven Jahun, J., Park, Y., 「Buddhist perspectives on cultivated meat」, Nature Food, 2023, 1-2
    ◆ Seo, H., Seo, H., Byrd, N., Kim, H., Lee, K. G., Lee, S. H., and Park, Y., 「Human cell-based estrogen receptor beta dimerization assay」, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2023, 369, 110264
    ◆ Seo, H., Seo, H., Lee, H. Y,, Lee, S. H, and Park, Y., 「Comprehensive analysis of cellular estrogen signaling in representative estrogen receptor ligands」, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2023, 369, 110303
    ◆Lee, S. H., Seo, H., Byrd, N., Willett, C., Lee, H. S., & Park, Y., 「Determination of thyroidal endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) activities using a human cell-based transactivation assay」, Environmental Sciences Europe, 2022, 34(1), 1-8
    ◆Lee, S. H., Seo, H., Seo, H., Lazari, M., D'Agostino, M., Byrd, N., ... & Park, Y., 「An In vitro dimerization assay for the adverse outcome pathway approach in risk assessment of human estrogen receptor α-mediated endocrine-disrupting chemicals」, Chemosphere, 2022, 290, 133267
    ◆Park, Y., Jung, D. W., Milcamps, A., Takeyoshi, M., Jacobs, M. N., Houck, K. A., ... & Lee, H. S., 「Characterisation and validation of an in vitro transactivation assay based on the 22Rv1/MMTV_GR-KO cell line to detect human androgen receptor agonists and antagonists」, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 152, 112206
    ◆Lee, H. S., Lee, J., Lee, S. H., Seo, H., Lee, K. G., & Park, Y., 「3-MCPD (3-monochloro-1, 2-propanediol) inhibit myogenic differentiation in murine skeletal myoblasts」, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2021, 336, 109311
    ◆Park, Y., & Lee, H. S., 「Cyclic depsipeptide mycotoxin exposure may cause human endocrine disruption: Evidence from OECD in vitro stably transfected transcriptional activation assays」, Reproductive Toxicology, 221, 100, 52-59
    ◆Park, Y., Park, J., & Lee, H. S., 「Endocrine disrupting potential of veterinary drugs by in vitro stably transfected human androgen receptor transcriptional activation assays」, Environmental Pollution, 2021, 286, 117201
    ◆Lee, S. H., Hong, K. Y., Seo, H., Lee, H. S., & Park, Y., 「Mechanistic insight into human androgen receptor-mediated endocrine-disrupting potentials by a stable bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based dimerization assay」, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2021, 349, 109655
    ◆Lee, S. H., Seo, H., Lee, H. S. & Park, Y. 「Development and characterization of a human cell line-based transactivation assay to assess thyroid EDCs」, Environ. Res, 2020, 182
    ◆Lee, H. S., Lee, S. H. & Park, Y., 「Enhancement of androgen transcriptional activation assay based on genome edited glucocorticoid knock out human prostate cancer cell line」, Environ. Res, 2019, 171, 437-443
    ◆Lee, H. S., Kim, N. Y., Song, Y., Oh, G. Y., Jung, D. W., Jeong, D. H., ... & Koo, Y. E.,「Assessment of human estrogen receptor agonistic/antagonistic effects of veterinary drugs used for livestock and farmed fish by OECD in vitro stably transfected transcriptional activation assays」, Toxicol. Vitr, 2019, 58, 256-263
  • 연락처
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 404호
  • 최종 학력
    The Ohio State University, Ph.D. in Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 지능형 공정 & 가공플랫폼 개발
    - 생체모사기술 & 랩온어칩
    - 멀티스케일 모델링 & AI
  • 학사학위 과정
    University of Minnesota Twin Cities, B.Ch.E. in Chemical Engineering & B.S. in Chemistry
  • 석사학위 과정
    University of Hawaii at Manoa, M.S. in Food Science
  • 박사학위 과정
    The Ohio State University, Ph.D. in Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering
  • 담당 과목
    - 식품공장설계
    - 식품공학실험
  • 대표 논문
    ◆Y.K. Kim, S.Y. Kwon, Y.S. Seo, Y.B. Lee*, and J.H. Mok*. Application of static headspace GC-MS method for detection of residual trichloroethylene and toluene solvents in β-cyclodextrin. Food Research International, 2024, 115292.
    ◆J.H. Mok, T. Pyatkovskyy, B. Heskitt, A. Soldavini, C.T. Simons, A. Yousef, and S.K. Sastry. Feedback control of apple juice quality during storage via multiple, mild in-situ processing treatments. Journal of Food Engineering, 2024, 112167.
    ◆J.H. Mok*, Y. Niu1, and Y. Zhao*. Continuous-flow viscoelastic profiling of calcium alginate Hydrogel microspheres using a microfluidic Lab-on-a-chip device. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 109979.
    ◆S. Zhong1, J.H. Mok1, Z. Li, S.K. Sastry, and R.E. Kopec. Production of iron-enriched kale leaves (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala) utilizing combinations of novel food processing technologies. LWT, 2023, 115365.
    ◆J.H. Mok, Y. Sun, T. Pyatkovskyy, X. Hu, and S.K. Sastry. Mechanisms of Bacillus subtilis spore inactivation by single-and multi-pulse high hydrostatic pressure (MP-HHP). Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2022, 103147.
    ◆J.H. Mok, Y. Niu, A. Yousef, Y. Zhao, and S.K. Sastry. Spatial persistence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 flowing on micropatterned structures inspired by stomata and microgrooves of leafy greens. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2022, 102889.
  • 홈페이지
Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale부교수
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
    gdsaratale@dongguk.edu / gdsaratale@gmail.com
  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 356호
  • 최종 학력
    Shivaji University, India, Ph. D in Biochemistry
  • 전공 분야
    Biopolymers production / bioenergetics and biofuel production / Nanobiotechnology
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 리그노셀루로스를 활용한 바이오 리파이너리를 통한 수소, 주정, 및 다수의 중요 생화학 물질 (예, BDO 및 PHB)의 합성 연구
    - 조류를 이용한 바이오 연료의 생산, 환경 생물 공학과 폐수 처리 시스템 개발 및 연구
    - 효소의 발효 방법 및 생물량 원료 개발에 적용 가능성에 대한 연구 및 개발
    - 생물전기화학과 다른 분야에 적용 가능성에 대한 연구 및 개발
    - 나노바이오테크놀로지의 다른 분야 (예, 에너지 생산, 환경보존 및 개선, 농업, 의학)에 적용 가능성에 대한 연구 및 개발
  • 학사학위 과정
    Shivaji University, India, B.Sc. in Chemistry
  • 석사학위 과정
    Shivaji University, India, M.Sc. in Biochemistry
  • 박사학위 과정
    Shivaji University, India, Ph. D in Biochemistry
  • 대표 저서
    ◆Ram Naresh Bharagava, Sandhya Mishra, G.D.Saratale, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Luiz Fernando Romanholo Ferreira, Bioremediation: Green Approaches for a Clean and Sustainable Environment, CRC Press, 2022
    ◆G.D.Saratale, Saratale R.G. and Govindwar S.P., Cytochrome P-450 mediated reactions in microbes, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2013
  • 대표 논문
    ◆Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale et al., 「Bioelectrochemical systems in aid of sustainable biorefineries for the production of value-added products and resource recovery from wastewater: A critical review and future perspectives」, Bioresource Technology, 2022, Volume 359, 127435
    ◆Saratale, R.G et al., 「Developing Microbial Co-Culture System for Enhanced Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Production Using Acid Pretreated Lignocellulosic Biomass」, Polymers, 2022, 14(4), 726
    ◆Saratale, R.G et al., 「An Overview of Recent Advancements in Microbial Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Production from Dark Fermentation Acidogenic Effluents: A Path to an Integrated Bio-Refinery」, Polymers, 2021, 13(24), 4297
    ◆M.J. Khan et al., 「Insights into diatom microalgal farming for treatment of wastewater and pretreatment of algal cells by ultrasonication for value creation」, Environmental Research, 2021, Volume 201, 111550
    ◆Rijuta Ganesh Saratale et al., 「A comprehensive overview and recent advances on polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production using various organic waste streams」, Bioresource Technology, 2021, Volume 325, 124685
    ◆Rijuta Ganesh Saratale et al., 「Efficient bioconversion of sugarcane bagasse into polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by Lysinibacillus sp. and its characterization」, Bioresource Technology, 2021, Volume 324, 124673
    ◆G.D. Saratale et al., 「A review on spent coffee grounds (SCGs) valorization for the production of biopolymers and biocatalysts」, Bioresource Technology, 2020, Volume 314, 123800
    ◆Rijuta Ganesh Saratale et al., 「Utilization of noxious weed water hyacinth biomass as a potential feedstock for biopolymers production: A novel approach」, Polymers, 2020, 12(8), 1704
    ◆G.D. Saratale et al., 「Exploiting fruit waste grape pomace for silver nanoparticles synthesis, assessing their antioxidant, antidiabetic potential and antibacterial activity against human pathogens: A novel approach」, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10(8), 1457
    ◆G.D. Saratale et al., 「Investigation of photocatalytic degradation of reactive textile dyes by Portulaca oleracea-functionalized silver nanocomposites and exploration of their antibacterial and antidiabetic potentials」, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, Volume 833, 155083
    ◆G.D. Saratale et al., 「Development of ultrasound aided chemical pretreatment methods to enrich saccharification of wheat waste biomass for polyhydroxybutyrate production and its characterization」, Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, Volume 150, 112425
    ◆G.D. Saratale et al., 「Screening and optimization of pretreatments in the preparation of sugarcane bagasse feedstock for biohydrogen production and process optimization」, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, Volume 43, Issue 25, 11470-11483
    ◆Patricia Moura et al., 「Enhancement of fermentative hydrogen production from Spirogyra sp. biomass by increased carbohydrate accumulation and selection of the biomass pretreatment under a biorefinery model」, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2018, Volume 126, Issue 2, 226-234
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 350호
  • 최종 학력
    서울대학교 농생명공학부 농학박사
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    - 식품위생 및 안전
    - 환경독성학
    - 곤충병리학
  • 학사학위 과정
    부산대학교 생명환경화학과 이학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    서울대학교 농생명공학부 농학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    서울대학교 농생명공학부 농학박사
  • 대표 논문
    ◆Lee, S.H. et al., 「Determination of thyroidal endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) activities using a human cell-based transactivation assay」, Environ. Sci Eur., 2022, 34(1), 1-8
    ◆Lee, S.H. et al., 「An In vitro dimerization assay for the adverse outcome pathway approach in risk assessment of human estrogen receptor α-mediated endocrine-disrupting chemicals」, Chemosphere, 2022, 290, 133267
    ◆Lee, S.H. et al., 「Mechanistic insight into human androgen receptor-mediated endocrine-disrupting potentials by a stable bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based dimerization assay」, Chem.-Biol. Interact., 2021, 349, 109655
    ◆Kim, H.M., Seo, H., Park, Y., Lee, H.S., Lee, S.H., & Ko, K.S., 「Development of a Human Estrogen Receptor Dimerization Assay for the Estrogenic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer」, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021, 18(16), 8875
    ◆Seo, H., Lee, S.H., Park, Y., Lee, H.S., Hong, J.S., Lim, C.Y., ... & Hong, K.B., 「(−)-Epicatechin-Enriched Extract from Camellia sinensis Improves Regulation of Muscle Mass and Function: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial」, Antioxidants, 2021, 10(7), 1026
    ◆Lee, S.H., Seo, H., Lee, H.S., & Park, Y., 「Development and characterization of a human cell line-based transactivation assay to assess thyroid EDCs」, Environ. Res., 2020, 182, 109110
    ◆Lee, H.S., Lee, S.H., & Park, Y., 「Enhancement of androgen transcriptional activation assay based on genome edited glucocorticoid knock out human prostate cancer cell line」, Environ. Res., 2019, 171, 437-443